I Can Not Access to My Share Folders

I – Qnap Error Detect Steps;

II – Cant Find Qnap with Qnapfinder / Stuck at Booting / Corrupted Configuration / Device Startup Errors /

III – If You Can Login Qnap Interface, But Problem About Reaching Datas;

IV – Other Qnap Errors (Loading Driver, Mounting Volume)


I – Qnap Error Detect Steps;

A – Error Opening Device / LCD Screen Booting Problem;

If you can use your Qnap witout problem, but now it becames unreachable, Please, follow the steps indicated below for the detection of the fault;

Shut down Qnap Remove all HDD’s and Press ”Power” button.

1 – Led on the Front Panel Turns On?

ð No: Powersupply, adaptor or Mainboard Problem. Change electric cabe and check if problem still continue. If it doestn work, send device back to Vendor.

2 – Nas Sound a shot beep in a Few Seconds?

ðNo? : Mainboard or Flash Error. Contact to your Vender to send device for Repair. Sometimes taking off and plug in firmare flash back again solve problem, but ask this tou your vendor if this cause device out of warranty or not.

3 – After 2-4 minutes, The NAS Sound one or Three Long Beep (s)

ðNo? Firmware Problem. Please check “Firmware Reflash Document” to solve the problem.

4 – Connect the NAS to PC Directly and Run QNAP Finder. Finder Should Find the NAS

ðNo? Network Failure. Please Disable firewall / antivirus software on the PC. This kind of software may block the network access of Qnap finder.

+Also press around 15 second to reset button at the back of the device. I solve a few cases with this way.

If problem continues, please contact with Qnap Support

5 – Double Click the NAS to Start Initialization

ðNo?: Failed to initialization. The IP of the NAS unit should be on the same subnet of your PC. For example, if the IP of NAS is, you need to configure your PC’s ip to

6 – While device is working, Plug all of your HDD’s to NAS with right order. Wait around 10 second and press “details” on QNAPfinder. All of your HDD’s should be seen there with right size.

ðNo? HDD or Qnap sata port problem.

-First check “How to understant Broken HDD” document.

If its HDD problem, You can plug out infected HDD and continue.

If its sata cable problem, contact with Qnap Support team, or send device to Vendor.

Important Note : Dont start installation at this point or you may lose all of your datas.

If everything is okey till this point, please go to next step to solve the problem.


II – Stuck at Booting / Corrupted Configuration / Device Startup Errors /

If your System starts properly without HDD’s, but stuck at booting / Starting services at LCD panel, or Red/ Green light flashes continuesly, please follow this document;

1 –Turn off the device. Remove Disks Drives and start device without any HDD installed ; (Do not forget the order of your HDDs!)

2 -You will hear a beep after pressing the power button, followed by 2 beeps in a few minutes later. Open Qnapfinder, double Click to be sure that you can enter Qnap setup screen. Close this installation screen and Place your HDD’s in right order. (Do not start the installation. The installation process will causes you to lose data on your HDDs)

3 – Download Putty software;


4 –Log with putty by entering the Qnap IP / user name / password. (Username / Password: admin / admin will. Port need to enter 22.)

Now enter these command down below; (Choose command from this screen and “copy” Then go to putty, just press right mouse button once. By this way, you can paste commands automaticly)

# config_util 1 ->

# storage_boot_init 1 ->

# df

If dev/md9 (HDA_ROOT) appears full, please contact QNAP support team ofTurkey

After this step, you start again Qnap’ı QNAP will start up again without a problem. If you still get problem on starting device, do same steps and continue this document. I want to warn about continue the following steps as soon as all the configuration information (such as user rights) may be reset.

5 – To copy the original configuration file, follow these commands;

# cp /etc/default_config/uLinux.conf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/

(Instead of uLinux.conf, you can use any of the following command in step 6, use the configuration files)

# rm -r /etc/config (etc altındaki konfig dosyasını silmek için)

# ln -sf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config /etc/config

# setcfg -f /etc/config/uLinux.conf Misc configured TRUE

# reboot

6 – Now all of your configuration reset, but you can reach all of your datas.

uLinux.conf – most of the system settings are stored here

smb.conf – Microsoft Network (Samba) configuration file. Samba stores the information about the parameters of the folder permissions.

raidtab – Configuring RAID

proftpd.conf – FTP server settings

apache.conf – Web server configuration files

passwd / shadow – the users password information. ->


III – If You Can Login Qnap Interface, But Problem About Reaching Datas;

Login Qnap and go Volume Managment -> Disk managment and check the status of your RAID.

A – RAID seems fine, but you cant see any folder under Share folders;

Go to “Share Folders -> Create a new share folder” Create a new share folder, and select “show path manually” option. Now you should see all of your Share folders. Just compete this process to make folders reachabla again.

Also if you download winscp software and login Qnap, you can reach all of your data under “Share” Folder.

Please check “My Share Folders Disappear” document.

B – RAID give “Volume free size 0″ Error.

Simply Restart Qnap, and delete some files after Qnap starts.

Please check “HDD capacity seems Full and I cannot Reach My Datas” Document

C – RAID seems “In Degreed” Mode.

Plug out broken HDD, wait around 20 second, and Plug in New HDD. This should start rebuilding.

Please check “A hard disk drive error is shown on the NAS” Document

D – If You Loose 2 HDD From RAID 5, or 3 HDD From RAID 6;

Quicly Recover your datas to another device / storage, and Reinstall Qnap with fine HDDs.

If you cant reach your datas, simply Plug HDDs to another Qnap NAS device (model is not problem)

Please check “RAID system Errors” document

E – RAID seems “Not Active” or “Unmounted”

Please check “RAID system Errors” document

F – Your RAID is lost and all HDD’s seems as Single Disk

Please check “RAID system Errors” document


IV – Other Errors & Solutions;

A – Qnafinder couldn find my NAS;

Connect Qnap ethernet port directly to your laptop ethernet port. Be sure you close Antivirus and firewall. If you cant find Qnap by this way, Please step to II.th title.

B – If you can reach Qnap login interface by this way, but it doesnt work while device is at your network;

Please follow “Qnapfinder Cannot Find Qnap” Document

C – Qnapfinder can find Qnap, but device name seems as “ULinux”

Probably HDD failure. Please go to “I – Qnafinder Cannot Detect My NAS” Document

D – Qnap Led panel stuck at “Booting”

HDD or Firmware failure. Please go to “I – Qnafinder Cannot Detect My NAS” Document

E – Qnap Led panel stuck at “Loading Drive”

HDD failure. Please go to “I – Qnafinder Cannot Detect My NAS” Document


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I Can Not Access to My Share FoldersQnap Erişilmez Hale Geldi Ve Verilerime Ulaşamıyorum, 6.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

One Response to I Can Not Access to My Share Folders

  1. Jimson Reyes says:

    SMB shared folder could not see from WIN 7

    my Qnap is TS220

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