My Share Folders Lost

If you Press Reset Button more than 10 seconds, Qnap confgiration, including share folders path will be lost and you have to show them back again.


Befor 4.0.0 Firmware

Just login Qnap and go  to Access Right Managment -> Share Folders -> New Share Folder.

Give any name that you want, Choose right disk volume, and press “Enter Path  Manually“. A dropdown menu should be open. just double click to your folder, and press next to complete process. Your datas should be back again.

Alternativly, Download wincsp software, install it with “commander” interface, and login to Qnap. All of your share folder should be under “Share” folder.

Just Drag any file to left side to copy.

If you still have problem reaching datas, please check my other documents.


4.1.0 Firmware & Later;

1 – Go to Share Folder -> Advanced Settings -> Enter Path manually Show Folder2 – If folders doesnt list, check ıf you’r on right Data volme (If you have multi-volumes on your system)

Show Folder 13 – Give permissions to users and press “Create” to complete action,

Show Folder 24 – Also you can download wincsp software, install it with “commander” interface, and login to Qnap. All of your share folder should be under ”Share” folder.

Show Folder 3


If you still couldnt see your datas, there might be a problem with your RAID. Fallow these document;



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Qnap Üzerindeki Tüm Klasörlerim KaybolduMy Share Folders Lost, 8.8 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

4 Responses to My Share Folders Lost

  1. Kermit Frog says:

    Doesnt work with new firmware. There is a different interface and no drop down menu showing folders as illustrated above.

  2. burado51 says:

    Dear Kermit,

    I Renew document so can you try once again? Also there might be an error about your RAID, so be sure your RAID is active and mounted.

  3. Master1978 says:

    Your AWESOME!! Saved my life! In the latest firmware you will need to Edit to see the missing options. Got 4.1.2 firmware.

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