Qnap Qsync Problemleri ve Çözümleri

I – Qsync for Mac crash/disappear/high CPU

II – Qsync Keeps Doing The Sync For Some Files Problem

III – Qnap Connection Problem, How To Fix;

IV – Qsync Windows 10 Problem;

V – How To Choose Folders For Qsync

VI – Qsync Failed To Inıtialize Problem & How To Restore Homes Folder

VII – Qsync, Sync Wrong Files, and Returns Back Deleted Files!


I – Qsync for Mac crash/disappear/high CPU

Please uninstall Qsync and install latest version;



II – Qsync Keeps Doing The Sync For Some Files Problem

Q: Before Qsync Mac v1.4.0 or QSync Windows v2.0.0, sometimes it keeps doing the sync or some files are not synced. Why?

A: This could be related to the NAS permission settings. You may try below steps to check or fix it.

  1. Check whether Advance Permission is on or off from QTS UI. It is suggested to turn it off first.
  2. In “homes” permission, Team Folder Receiver has to be added to owner’s home folder. Select “Apply and replace all existing permissions of this folder, files and subfolders”
  3. Click “Sync with NAS now” from Qsync client


III – Qnap Connection Problem, How To Fix;

1 – First Try;

Description Incorrect username or password
Solution make sure username/password is correct

2 – If Doestn Work, Fix Home Folder;

Fix Home Folder
  1. 1.     make sure home folder is enable and working
  2. 2.     enable/disable home folder on QTS Control Panel
  3. 3.     ssh login NAS
  4. 4.     ls -all /share/
  5. 5.     check homes is a link
  6. 6.     if homes is a file/folder rename it
  7. 7.     check home is not exist
  8. 8.     if home is a file/folder rename it
  9. 9.     ssh login NAS
  10. 10.     vi /etc/smb.conf
  11. 11.     check [home] and [homes] is exist and correct (compare with other NAS)

3 -If doesnt Work, Fix Sahre Folder;

     Fix shared folder sync

  1. 1.     open [QTS] -> [Qsync Central] -> [Shared Folder]
  2. 2.     find the shared folder which is selected and:
  3. 3.     path of shraed folder is include or be included by another shared folder which is selected
  4. 4.     path reference to homes

3.    unselect it and apply

  1. 1.     Restart Qsync

4 – If Still Doestn Work, Please Restart Qsync;

Restart Qsync
  1. 1.     stop and start Qsync on QTS control Panel / App center
  2. 2.     ssh login NAS
  3. 3.     /etc/init.d/qbox.sh restart (4.2.x)
  4. 4.     /etc/init.d/qsyncsrv.sh restart (4.3.x)
  5. 5.     1.reboot NAS


IV – Qsync Windows 10 Problem;

Qsync version:

Customer descrioption

The QSync suddenly failed to run in my Windows 10 (10.0.10586 Build 10586) notebook. See attachment screenshot for the error.

I try to reinstall Qsync, but problem still there. I suspect the issue cause by a recent Windows updates, but still the same issue after I uninstall the updates.

Check point

Check user profile Path

1.run regedit by command line

2. navigate to


the value should be %SystemDrive%\Users\

please take the screenshot to us



V – How To Choose Folders For Qsync

1 – Open Qsync and go to “View and Manage Folders”

qsync 1.1

2 – Press Add Folder;

qsync 1.2 qsync 1.3 qsync 1.4 .

VI – Qsync Failed To Inıtialize Problem & How To Restore Homes Folder

If you got This Error;

Qsync failed to initilize problem

That means your Homes Folder is lost/deleted somehow.

how to fi qsync problem (2)


Worse part is, Qnap do not let you to create this folder like this way;

cant create homes folder


How To Solve? Download Winscp, and Login NAS as admin;

how to fi qsync problem (1)

go to Shares -> Cachedev1_data (or MD0), and create new “homes” and “home” folder;

how to fi qsync problem (3)

And.. Problem is fixed;

problem fixed


VII – Qsync, Sync Wrong Files, and Returns Back Deleted Files!

Question: All the files are desktop are syncing with QNAP using Qsync. When user delete files, it is not deleted from QNAP. This is our requirement as a backup

Answer: There is policy rules both Qsync software (Which you install your PC) & Qsync Central (which you can access via NAS Web Interface) .

From Qsync Software;

Qsyn policy 1 Qsyn policy 2


From Qnap Interface

Qsyn policy 3 Qsyn policy 4




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