Qnap Device Slows Down Internet Connection Problem & How To Solve

I – Problem Description; Qnap Device Slows Down Internet Connection

II – How To Identify What May Cause Isseu & Solve; Disable UPnP and Download Station.

III – Your NAS Maybe Hacked, Update Your NAS To The Latest Firmware And Install Anti Mallware Remover and Scan Your NAS

IV – Make Sure Qnap Really Cause This, Check Qnap Network Traffic;

V – Also To Be Sure, Install A Network Monitoring and Analysis Tools

VI – Change NAS to Another Static IP.

VII – Remove NAS gateway settings to prevent it to connect Internet.

VIII – Shut Down Cloud Backup;



I – Problem Description; Qnap Device Slows Down Internet Connection


My qnap device slows down the internet like crazy, to diagnose this its simple, when internet slows down to like 1mb speed i simply either power down my qnap or unplug my Ethernet cable and the speed shoots up like it is normally. Start up the qnap or plug in the cable and boom im back to a slow line.


II – How To Identify What May Cause Isseu & Solve; Disable UPnP and Download Station.

1. If you have been using the “Download Station” to download public BitTorrent files, you should be aware of how BitTorrent works – after your download is complete, you become a “seeder” and others download from you (unless you stop it). Seeding a handful of popular public torrents can easily saturate a home internet connection. This is not too bad, things are working as designed. All you have to do is stop the offending torrents.

Qnap disable download station


qnap disable upnp


III – Your NAS Maybe Hacked, Update Your NAS To The Latest Firmware And Install Anti Mallware Remover and Scan Your NAS

2. Your QNAP could be compromised (hacked, pwned, etc.). It could be part of a botnet participating in DDoS attacks, serving illegal content, or who knows what. You mention that you updated the firmware after this started – how long out of date was it before? You also mention it is exposed to the internet through the QNAP cloud features, so this is a realistic possibility.

  1. Please download the Malware Remover app. Unzip the downloaded file.
  2. Login to your Turbo NAS as the admin, go to “App Center” and click “Install Manually” on the menu bar to install the app manually.
  3. If no warning message appears after installation, your NAS is not infected. Verify the results by going to “Control Panel” > “System Logs”.

    If a warning message appears, your NAS is infected with the ELF backdoor and it has been removed successfully. In this case, please change your administrator’s password immediately.



III – Make Sure Qnap Really Cause This, Check Qnap Network Traffic;

Qnap bandwith resource manager



IV – Also To Be Sure, Install A Network Monitoring and Analysis Tools 


Maybe This One; Capsa Free

Capsa Free is a network analyzer that allows you to monitor network traffic, troubleshoot network issues and analyze packets. Features include support for over 300 network protocols (including the ability to create and customize protocols), MSN and Yahoo Messenger filters, email monitor and auto-save, and customizable reports and dashboards.


When you launch Capsa, choose the adapter you want it to bind to and click “Start” to initiate the capture process. Use the tabs in the main window to view the dashboard, a summary of the traffic statistics, the TCP/UDP conversations, as well as packet analysis.


V – Change NAS to Another Static IP.

Qnap change Ip adress 1 Qnap change Ip adress 2


VI – Remove NAS gateway settings to prevent it to connect Internet.

Qnap gateway


VII – Shut Down Cloud Backup;

Maybe Shut Down Hybrid Backup Station Completly;

shut down applications



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Qnap Device Slows Down Internet Connection Problem & How To SolveQnap Internet Trafiğimi Yavaşlatıyor Problemi ve Çözümü, 1.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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