MyQNAPCloud vs CloudLink? Hangisini Tavsiye Edersiniz?

I - What’s the difference MyQNAPCloud vs CloudLink?


I - What’s the difference MyQNAPCloud vs CloudLink?

I think it gives you the option to use one or the other.

Going through the MyQNAPCloud makes you login with that cloud id/login, then to get to the files, you login again with your local id.
Using the CloudLink allows you to disable all port forwarding. Which gives no direct link to login to the admin GUI on the NAS, which makes the NAS a little safer that way.
You can use Qfile and Qmanager through this new CloudLink without having the ports forwarded.

When you share files with CloudLink, the files go through the qnap servers.
QNAP has full access to your NAS files and they warn you not to send confidential files.

CloudLink work as a complement of MyQnapCloud

MyQnapCloud services are :
A Dyn DNS like … so associate a name to an I.P. (dynamicaly changing)
A Upnpn IGD client (local to QNAP to router/box) to create network redirection to the QNAP automatically (and mapping with hidden qnap parametrs)
A Web portal on to access application define and shared folder … based on a double security (one is the login to, the second is the QNAP user/password to access to shared resources

ALL stay available with or without CloudLink

Cloudlink act as an application router … (like teamviewer serv)
QNAP output a connection to the server and announce application / entry point defined and available in the QNAP
Client open an ouptut connection to server and request using same credential the access to the QNAP
… no need for any player to redirect port etc. all is output connection …
Then myqnapcloud system create the bridge between the 2, assume the correct credentials, perhaps filter the applications (no idea of the real work on it) after
client and QNAP can talk together … seems that SSL is supported (T.B.C.) but you are true : all your data pass through the myqnapcloud server …

So you can have to make attention to throuput and size I don’t know the capacity of the QNAPcloud server …

BUT I repeat … if your port are redirected and DNS (myqnapcloud or other) ar correctly configured you MUST continue to use it … In fact if I have understand … in case of cloudlink available … the better choice is used … so it’s better to QNAP to manage direct connection if it’s possible compare to a “bridge application in their servers”
other point … cloudlink only support a limited range of client and application …

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What's the difference MyQNAPCloud vs CloudLink?MyQNAPCloud vs CloudLink? Hangisini Tavsiye Edersiniz?, 8.2 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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