Sistem Log Kaydı Hata Mesajları

I – Warning: Re-launch process

(Offical Qnap document answer)

Q : I get some warning Email messages saying “Warning: Re-launch process [qthttpd]” in QNAP Turbo Station NAS, what does it mean?

A : The message “Warning: Re-launch process [qthttpd]” means the system restart because of Web Server’s error.
It may result from a great deal of data access from internet, such as hacker attack. To ensure the system operation, the service “qthttpd” would be restarted. However, if the NAS works well, please ignore the message.
To avoid the problem, you are suggested to install NAS behind the firewall.

II – How to fix “Level:  Warning Re-launch process” Error;

This Error caused because of corruption of configuration file, and you can fix this with installing default configration back again.

Easy Short Way:

Just Reset your Configration with pressing around 10 seconds (2 beep sound), ant thats all. But, must warn you about you’ll Lost your configuration (Network configration, users rights, share folders shortcut). After these error doestn accure anymore;

Also you can backup your conf. file, then Reset Whole system and Restore configuration, but this doesnt fix problem and same errors will accure.

Hard Way:

Simply Copy config file -which gives error- from /etc/default_config to /etc/config/and Reset Qnap.

Example for this error; Level:  Warning Re-launch process [smbd] Just Change smb.conf with original default conf. file.

A – Fixing error with Winscp  (Easy -Windows Base- solution)

(For “Level:  Warning Re-launch process [smbd]” error)

1 – Download and install winscp;

2 – Login to Qnap;

3 – go to /etc/default_config and Simply choose smb.conf and drag this file to your computer. This file is Qnap default and working samba configration file!

4 – Now go /etc/config/ and change your original smb.conf name (examplesmb_old.conf). This file is your corrupted samba file.

5 – Now Drag “default samba configuration” file to this folder from your computer to/etc/config/

Restart Qnap;

This should fix the problem.

If problem exist, Please request help from Qnap Support Taiwan.

B – Fixing error with Putty commands;

Download Putty, and Type these command to copy back Default configration Files.

Level:  Warning Re-launch process [smbd].

# /etc/init.d/ stop/etc/init.d/ stop

# cp /etc/default_config/smb.conf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/

# rm -r /etc/config

 # ln -sf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config /etc/config

 # setcfg -f /etc/config/smb.conf Misc configured TRUE

 # reboot



# /etc/init.d/ stop/etc/init.d/ stop

# cp /etc/default_config/apache.conf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/

 # rm -r /etc/config (etc altındaki konfig dosyasını silmek için)

 # ln -sf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config /etc/config

 # setcfg -f /etc/config/apache.conf Misc configured TRUE

 # reboot


C – Fixing error with closing services;

“You can also stop this error with closing / Disabling service about this.

Level:  Warning Re-launch process [stunnel].

..I resolved it by disabling SSL logins. Go to System Administration, General Settings, and UNcheck box “Enable Secure Connection (SSL)”

System Administration -> General Settings -> disable “Enable Secure Connection (SSL)”

(from : )”



“Ps : One of Qnap user wrote he fix this error with closing services, but Havent Test this one yet!

1. Disable and uninstall every single QPKG application. 2. Disable the mySQL database. 3. Disable FTP service. 4. Disable the web server. 5. Disable web file manager. 6. Disable media station. 7. Disable download station. 8. Disable UPnP media server.

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