Qnap’ta İkinci Bir RAID/Volume Nasıl Oluşturabilirsiniz ve Verilerinizi Bu İkinci RAID Grubuna Nasıl Atabilirsiniz?

I – How To Create Multi Volume / Second RAID on Your NAS

II – How To Create A Folder On Second RAID/Volume


I – How To Create Multi Volume / Second RAID on Your NAS

Create a new volume

1. Go to “Storage Manager” > “Storage Space” > “Create” and click “New Volume” to open the Volume Creation Wizard.


2. There are 3 options available:
(1). Static Single Volume (best performance)
(2). Thick Multiple Volume (good performance and flexibility)
(3). Thin Multiple Volume (great flexibility and storage efficiency)
Using “Thick Multiple Volume” as an example, select the name of the storage pool and click “Next”.


3. Specify the volume capacity and the rest of the options and click “Next”. To modify “Bytes per inode”, enable “File system option”. Refer to the table below for the relationship between bytes per inode, maximum size of volume, and maximum number of files/folders.

Bytes per Inode Max. Size of Volume Max. Number of Files/Folders
4096 15.99 TB Volume Size/Bytes per Inode
8192 31.99 TB
16384 (Default) 63.99 TB
32768 127.99 TB
65536 250 TB


4. Confirm your settings in the summary page and click “Finish”.


5. A new volume will be created.


II – How To Create A Folder On Second RAID/Volume

1 – Go To Shared Folders;

Qnap creating folder second RAID (1)

2 – Choose Second Volume;

Qnap creating folder second RAID (2) Qnap creating folder second RAID (3)

3 – When you upload files to that folder, its direclty written on second HDD

Qnap creating folder second RAID (4)


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How To Create Multi Volume/Second RAID And Upload Folders To This Second RAID/VolumeQnap'ta İkinci Bir RAID/Volume Nasıl Oluşturabilirsiniz ve Verilerinizi Bu İkinci RAID Grubuna Nasıl Atabilirsiniz?, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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