Qnap’ıma Firmware Güncellemesi Sonrasında Lisans Yükleyemiyorum ve Şu Hatayı Alıyorum; Error code: qlicense-Error code=111)

I – Why My Ts-X31 Series Nas Can’t I İnstall License After The Firmware Update Or Reboot? (Error code: qlicense-Error code=1111)


I – Why My Ts-X31 Series Nas Can’t I İnstall License After The Firmware Update Or Reboot? (Error code: qlicense-Error code=1111)

Q: Why my TS-x31 series NAS can’t I install license after the firmware update or reboot? (Error code: qlicense-Error code=1111)

A: For some cases, the user may encounter the problem that the license cannot be installed. This might be some license files left in the hard disk. Once you remove

those license files in the hard disk, you will be able to install license again.

Please follow below step the check and solve the issue.

1. Use the utility, “Putty” to connect to NAS console via SSH and login.

2. Run below commands from the command line.

lisans problemi

3. After you run above commands, all the license files under

"/etc/config/license/.lc" directory should be completely removed.


4. Now you should be able to install license again.

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Why My Ts-X31 Series Nas Can’t I İnstall License After The Firmware Update Or Reboot? (Error code: qlicense-Error code=1111)Qnap'ıma Firmware Güncellemesi Sonrasında Lisans Yükleyemiyorum ve Şu Hatayı Alıyorum; Error code: qlicense-Error code=111), 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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