Linux Bilgisayarımdan Nasıl Qnap’a Ulaşacağım?

To connect to the NAS from Linux, enable NFS service.

To configure the NFS access right to the network shares on the NAS, go to “Access Right Management” > “Share Folders”. Click the NFS button on the “Action” column.

Specify the access right to the network share. If you select “No limit” or “Read only”, you can specify the IP address or domains that are allowed to connect to the folder by NFS.

No limit: Allow users to create, read, write, and delete files or folders in the network share and any subdirectories.
Read only: Allow users to read files in the network share and any subdirectories but they are not allowed to write, create, or delete any files.
Deny access: Deny all access to the network share.

Connect to the NAS by NFS

On Linux, run the following command:

mount -t nfs <NAS IP>:/<Network Share Name> <Directory to Mount>

For example, if the IP address of your NAS is and you want to link the network share “public” under the /mnt/pub directory, use the following command:

mount -t nfs /mnt/pub

Note: You must login as the “root” user to initiate the above command.

Login as the user ID you define, you can use the mounted directory to connect to your shared files.


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