Qnap CMS (Merkezi Yönetim Yazılımı): 16 NVR & 256 Kamerayı Tek Noktadan Kolayca Yönetin

I – Qnap NVR Eklentitisyle NVR Cihazınızı CMS Server’a Dönüştürün 

II – QSCM Lite Yazılımını Qnap’a Nasıl Yükleyebilirsiniz?


I – Qnap NVR Eklentitisyle NVR Cihazınızı CMS Server’a Dönüştürün


QNAP Surveillance Central Management Lite (QSCM Lite) is a powerful and free app supported by QVR 5.0 (and above) that allows you to easily manage up to 16 QNAP NVRs and 256 cameras. No extra hardware or software is required to add the CMS server function to a NVR – all you have to do is install the QSCM Lite App from the App Center.

QSCM Lite can manage NVRs that are in the same private LAN with QSCM Lite.


Taipei, Taiwan, June 25, 2014 – QNAP® Security today announced the new app “QNAP Surveillance Central Management Lite” (QSCM Lite) which empowers a single VioStor NVR with the abilities of CMS server to centrally manage multiple NVR units. QSCM Lite is a revolutionary and powerful app that is available for downloading – free of charge – from the QVR 5.0 App Center and installing on a VioStor NVR.

“QSCM Lite provides four major benefits including ease-of-use, cost-efficiency, convenience and flexibility for users to enjoy the power of a CMS server with the VioStor NVR,” said Angela Liu, product manager of QNAP Security. Instead of purchasing a dedicated CMS server, users can simply install QSCM Lite on a VioStor NVR and utilize the CMS solution with their existing IP network structure. It also provides the flexibility for users to run NVR & CMS services simultaneously on the same VioStor, or just to have either one service.

QSCM Lite provides a hands-on CMS solution with the VioStor NVR, enabling users to centrally monitor, playback and manage up to 256 IP cameras from up to 16 VioStor NVRs at different locations with greater flexibility. Users can easily use the web-based QSCM Lite user interface to remotely control and monitor the QSCM Lite server and enjoy greater convenience in management.


QSCM Lite is available from the VioStor NVR App Center. It requires firmware QVR 5.0 or newer versions. For more information about QSCM Lite, please visit http://goo.gl/Lzob4b.


II – QSCM Lite Yazılımını Qnap’a Nasıl Yükleyebilirsiniz?

Online installation

To install QSCM Lite, please download it from the QVR 5.0 App Center. Your NVR must be connected to the Internet to use the App Center. For more information about the App Center, please refer to the VioStor NVR (version 5.0.0.) user manual Section 10.3 App Center.

  1. Go to the App Center on the desktop of QVR 5.0.

  1. Go to All Apps.
  2. Click “Add QSCM Lite to QVR”
  3. Start downloading QSCM Lite
  4. After QSCM Lite has been downloaded, the system will automatically install QSCM Lite.
  5. When the option to “Open” appears, QSCM Lite has been successfully installed.
  6. QSCM Lite will now be listed in My Apps, with the default Open status. QVR 5.0 is now a CMS server.
  7. Click on the QSCM Lite icon to go to the QSCM Lite login page
  8. The system will automatically redirect to the QSCM Lite login page, and you can log in by using the default username/password (admin/admin).

If needed, QSCM Lite can be turned off to disable the CMS server function.

Offline installation

If the NVR is not connected to the Internet, an offline installation is available.

  1. Download QSCM Lite from the QNAP Security website (http://www.qnapsecurity.com/download.asp).
  2. Unzip the files
  3. Return to the NVR and enter the App Center
  4. Click “Install Manually”
  5. Find the unzipped QSCM Lite, and click [Install]
  6. Click OK
  7. The NVR will then install QSCM Lite
  8. Click OK
  9. QSCM Lite will now be listed in My Apps, with the default Open status. QVR 5.0 is now a CMS server.
  10. Click on the QSCM Lite icon to go to the QSCM Lite login page.
  11. The system will automatically redirect to the QSCM Lite login page, and you can log in by using the default username/password (admin/admin).

If needed, QSCM Lite can be turned off to disable the CMS server function.

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Qnap CMS (Central Managment Lite): Manage Up To 16 NVR & 256 Camera EasilyQnap CMS (Merkezi Yönetim Yazılımı): 16 NVR & 256 Kamerayı Tek Noktadan Kolayca Yönetin, 5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

One Response to Qnap CMS (Merkezi Yönetim Yazılımı): 16 NVR & 256 Kamerayı Tek Noktadan Kolayca Yönetin

  1. William McNutt says:

    Is it possible to log into QSCM Lite, on a remote network, to authenticate to the NVR QSCM server? I am trying and getting a login failed message. I have some people in our organization, that move from one site to another that would need access to be able to authenticate to the home office QSCM server, from their laptops on an alternate LAN.

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