MySQL Problemleri, Fİrmware Güncellemesi Sonrası SQL Datasına Ulaşamama Problemi ve Çözümleri

I – How Can I Solve “Host ‘MachineName’ is not allowed to connect to this MySql Server” Error?

II – Cannot Access SQL Server After Update Firmware From 4.2.2 to 4.3.3


I – How Can I Solve “Host ‘MachineName’ is not allowed to connect to this MySql Server” Error?


How To Solve;

Go to phpMyAdmin by type in “http://you-nas-ip/phpMyAdmin/” in your browser, enter your username and pass

Once in, click on “Privillages” on the main page just below “Storage engines”.

Under “User Overview” you should have an entry as the circled area below:

if not, add it by clicking on “Add a new user” as below:

User name: root

Host: Any host

Password: Use textfield: password

retype: password

Database for user: Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%)

Global privileges: Check All

then click on “Go”.

Now go to your MySQL admin tool and try again.



II – Cannot Access SQL Server After Update Firmware From 4.2.2 to 4.3.3

Thats because QMariaDB as it is not supported on 4.3.x.

If you have data on the DB, you need to downgrade to 4.2.x, export the DB, upgrade to 4.3.x, then import;

Name = QMariaDB
Class = null
Status = complete
Version =
Author = admin
QPKG_File = QMariaDB.qpkg
Date = 2015-08-24
Shell = /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QMariaDB/
Install_Path = /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QMariaDB
RC_Number = 101
Open_In = mysqlServer
Enable = TRUE
DB_Init = TRUE



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MySQL Problems, Cannot Access SQL Server After Update Firmware & How to SolveMySQL Problemleri, Fİrmware Güncellemesi Sonrası SQL Datasına Ulaşamama Problemi ve Çözümleri, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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