Hergün Saat 02.00’de Başlayan Volume Volume1, Pool 1] Start To Reclaim Volume” İşlemini Nasıl Durdurabilisiniz?

I – What is that “Space Reclamation and SSD Trim” used For?

II – How To Stop Every Day At 2 Am “[Volume Volume1, Pool 1] Start To Reclaim Volume” Process


I – Disturbing “Reclaim Volume” Logs.. What is that “Space Reclamation and SSD Trim” used For?

Qnap reclaim volume logs 1


Setting Space Reclamation and SSD Trim


Space Reclamation allows you to reclaim space from deleted files to increase free space for storage pools, while SSD Trim enables the SSD to handle garbage collection overheads and improves future Write performance.

Click  ”Global Settings” (the “setting” icon next to “?” on the top-right side of the screen) to enable the function and its schedule. You will see two settings for Space Reclamation and SSD Trim:

Auto reclaim and SSD trim schedule: the thin provisioning space reclamation will be started based on the schedule you set in order to reclaim space and increase free space for storage pools.
Schedule: Set the Space and Reclamation and SSD Trim schedule.



II – How To Stop Every Day At 2 Am “[Volume Volume1, Pool 1] Start To Reclaim Volume” Process

This schedule comes automaticly with Qnap;

1 - check crontab


This may cause problems, espacially if you are using incompatible SSD for cahce, this will cause your NAS “restart” itself at every 02.00.. just shut it down.

To Disable this, Go to Storage Manager ->Global Settings -> Space Reclamation and SSD Trim -> disable



2 - Disable reclamation



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How To Stop Every Day At 02.00 Am “[Volume Volume1, Pool 1] Start To Reclaim Volume” ProcessHergün Saat 02.00’de Başlayan Volume Volume1, Pool 1] Start To Reclaim Volume” İşlemini Nasıl Durdurabilisiniz?, 4.3 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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