Qnap Machintosh AFP Problemleri ve “Machintosh İle Qnap’a Bağlandığımda Dosya ve Klasörlerim Birden Kayboluyor” Hatası

I – Qnap Machintosh AFP Problems 

II – Files From My Qnap File Server Magically Disappear When Viewing Them İn The Finder

III – How To Clean .AppleDB/ Files


I – Qnap Machintosh AFP Problems 

AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) is the Apple’s network filesharing protocol for Mac OS.
The open source implementation QNAP use is netatalk

First things to check:
- Check that AFP is enabled!

- DHX2 Authentication Support – must be enabled for Mac OS 10.7 and above

- For Mac OS 10.9, NAS firmware must be 4.1.0 or more


Troubleshooting AFP

Make sure AFP process is running:

Network is listening on correct port:


If you want to enable debug for AFP, you can run following steps to do it:

Disconnect all AFP clients, include Time Machine in Mac.
# setcfg Global “log level” default:maxdebug -f /etc/afp.conf
# setcfg Global “log file” /share/Public/afpd.log -f /etc/afp.conf
# /etc/init.d/atalk.sh reload
Then the debug log is in /share/Public/afpd.log.

The debug log will disable automatically after AFP restart again



Mac OS can also use Samba protocol to connect

Finder > Go > Connect to Server

You can use this to decide if the problem is caused by AFP or not (non-AFP issue will also affect Samba connection)

recommend using Samba rather than AFP because it’s more stable with QNAP NAS


As the “AFP” connection between the mac and the storage failed suddenly So I cannot access the storage as “afp:///” any more

You can solved thi issue by deleting the “.AppleDB” file from the shared folder.


II – Files From My Qnap File Server Magically Disappear When Viewing Them İn The Finder

If you got this problem;

Its Machintosh Problem.. just kill com.apple.iconServicesAgent… if you look in activity monitor and kill this process it is likely that your files will reappear.


If this doesnt work;

1 – Change smb version on Qnap (microsoft networking -> advance -> smb version)



2 – Disabled the AFP all together on the NAS device and reconnected the shares with SMB

qnap afp mac


And connect with smb;

  1. Choose “Go” > “Connect to Server
  2. Type: “smb://
  3. Enter your login ID and password:
  4. Select the “Multimedia” folder and click “OK”.
  5. The folder is mounted.


III – How To Clean .AppleDB/ Files

steps to cleanup the Apple files:

Disable AFqP in WebGUI
/etc/init.d/atalk.sh stop

Remove the following folders from each share folder :

/etc/init.d/atalk.sh start
Enable AFP in WebGUI



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Qnap Machintosh AFP Problems And Files From My Qnap File Server Magically Disappear When Viewing Them İn The FinderQnap Machintosh AFP Problemleri ve “Machintosh İle Qnap’a Bağlandığımda Dosya ve Klasörlerim Birden Kayboluyor” Hatası, 9.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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